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Interested in learning more about our mosquito control programs? Getting more information is fast and easy, and begins with a FREE phone consultation to learn more about your property and the environment around it. We will also be able to answer any questions you may have regarding mosquitoes during that time.
Mosquito treatment pricing is based on several factors including the size of your property, the environmental conditions involved, and the duration of your service plan.
Mosquito treatments can be purchased on an individual, as need basis in advance of special occasions or to provide temporary relief. Discounts are provided for signing up for multiple treatments at a time, with additional discounts available by combining mosquito treatments with one of our other recurring pest control or termite protection service plans.
In our area of New York, the mosquito season typically extends from April through October. For best ongoing protection, Bug Off Exterminator recommends routine mosquito applications throughout the mosquito season.
Using the highest quality mosquito products and application equipment, Bug Off's mosquito applications provide the best mosquito relief in the industry. How long relief from mosquitoes lasts following each application depends on a number of factors:
Mosquito pressure in the area
Proximity to standing water
Amount of rainfall before/after treatment
Amount of heavy foliage and debris
Number of suitable breeding sites
Condition of neighboring properties
Time To Enjoy The Outdoors Again.
Mosquito Protection
Prevention Tips
Treatment Options
Because all species of mosquitoes use water to lay their eggs, the top priority in any New York mosquito abatement program is to eliminate as much standing water as possible around your property. As a rule of thumb, any item or object capable of holding 2 inches of water or more is a potential mosquito breeding site, and should be eliminated or removed. Items that cannot be removed may be treated with a mosquito larvicide to provide any water accumulating in those areas from becoming active mosquito breeding sites. ​
Flower Pots
Knots in Trees
Holes in Lawns
Tires or Tarps
Swimming Pools
Drains or Hoses
Trash Cans
Kids Toys
Sewage Areas
Small Depressions
When it comes to minimizing populations of mosquitoes around your property, the downspouts and gutters should not be overlooked. Over time, gutters tend to accumulate debris from leaves, branches, and other items in a way that can prevent the proper flow of rainwater. As this happens, puddles and moisture begin to form, creating the ideal habitat for mosquitoes to breed.
To keep your gutters from becoming a mosquito breeding ground, Bug Off Exterminator of Orange County recommends cleaning all gutters and downspouts at least twice per calendar year, ideally in the spring and fall.
Are mosquitoes in New York attracted to light? Well...technically, no. Like many flying insects, mosquitoes use light from the moon and stars to help them navigate through places. But the much closer, more vibrant artificial light given off by porch lights, street lights, and other similar sources interferes with the light being emitted by the moon and stars, making it difficult for mosquitoes to maintain an adequate angle for clear navigation. The result is mosquito confusion or disorientation that makes it seem as if mosquitoes are being attracted to the light.
To minimize this effect, certain "bug lights" use a different coloration to prevent mosquitoes and other flying insects from being drawn to the source of light. Bug Off Exterminator recommends using these types of lights whenever possible.
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